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14 days is too long!!

Obviously I was in a rut yesterday! I just had to write so those of you who were worried about me would know that I’m doing better, much better! My friend Tami came to my rescue and offered to watch the girls so I could run to Walmart. (and she hadn’t even read the blog!) You know it’s been a while since you’ve been away from your house when your sister-in-law calls to check on you because she sees you’re not at home and someone else has your children. More important than buying my groceries I was afforded time by myself. I knew it had been a long time since I had been by myself but I didn’t realize how long until I started backtracking in my mind. The last time I was alone, by myself, without a child or a husband was May 3 (I had to double check my receipts). That’s 14 days! 14 days is along time if you have no kids, 4 kids, or 6 kids to not be by yourself. I think it was wearing on me and robbing me of my joy. I notice that I’m a happier person and nicer to my children if I can just be alone, even for a quick hour-long trip to Walmart. Hopefully it won’t be two weeks until I’m alone again! I got to listen to my music in the car and talk on my cell phone and it was such a treat! It is our choice for me to stay home with the girls and I am so grateful for that. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I feel so fortunate for the opportunity to be home with them… but there are times when it is nice to have a small break.

As for the timeline, it hasn’t been emailed to me yet! Thankfully we’re just fine where we are and thankfully the temps at night still go down to the 50s. My husband is almost done raking and bailing 250 bails of pinestraw and I know he’ll be emerging from the woods soon! The girls and I went walking early yesterday morning and I got to spend some time thanking God for His provisions and for the fact that He is in control.

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