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35 In Articles/ Life

Dear Mom,


Dear Mom,

Thank you for the introduction. There’s only one problem, I can’t seem to shake them. They come and stay for just a while. I hide them from the kids (especially Rover who thinks it’s necessary to be double fisted), scarf them down, and the box turns up empty way sooner than it should. Then they go on sale at Target and I buy them again and the vicious cycle starts all over.

Wish you were here to eat them with me, drink Constant Comment, listen to carols and watch the rovers destroy the house. 

love, Darby

58 In Articles/ Life

Christmas Card Picture: Take One

Strike 1:
Strike 2:
Strike 3:

Round one is out!

I’m going prop-less next round. It was so very unsuccessful and I took a LOT pictures and none were deemed “card worthy”. Rover wouldn’t get near the girls most of time. He’d try to sit as far away as he possibly could! I’m starting to think that “strike 1” may actually be an option with “We can’t PULL it together this Christmas” accompanying it. Which is really quite appropriate this season. In my own defense, we’re going to be traveling during Christmas so decorating for it has been LOW on the priority list.

In other news, the weather has been quite frightful. Here’s my husband shortly after we decided to move the “photoshoot” outside. I really like him a lot. Doesn’t he do a nice job folding towels?


This is about as successful as it got outside.


Little boys have a really hard time being still inside and the CERTAINLY can’t be still outside. And besides, the weather was more appropriate for a Halloween card.

I hope to return shortly with news of success on the Christmas card front.

PS: RAIGER is still PACI FREE. We’ve been through a few rough withdrawls but she’s doing wonderful! Trust me, thinking of getting rid of pacis is harder than actually getting rid of pacis. My little Raiger has been on one for 3 and 1/2 years!

29 In Articles/ Life

Rut Row Rover




Rover has come down…


..with a little tooth-cutting-induced cold. Normally, I wouldn’t think much about it, except we’re boarding an airplane and I’m hoping even then it won’t be too bad on little Rover. Hoping, praying, and trusting in a super speedy recovery for him and I’m thankful for a very caring pediatrician who’s helping us figure out the best way to keep him comfortable!

Thank you for all your very gracious comments on the birthday party… it was way fun. I love having all the little ladies in our home and watching them enjoy one another’s company. It may be a few days before you hear from me again… the little ole laptop is staying home, if I can get my act together there may be a “scheduled” post.


Happy Veteran’s Day… thank you to all of those who serve and who have served!! And thank you to their wives and spouses,  for the sacrifice they too make, raising children while their husbands/wives are away fighting for our freedom!!!