In Articles

and now a word from our…

… sponsors.


It is with some reluctance and a snippet of excitement that I write to all of you and offer my blog as a place for others to promote their businesses. I’ve been stewing over the idea for over a year and have finally decided to bite the bullet. I spent some time this morning in Proverbs 31 and was encouraged that the wife of noble character “saw her trading as profitable” and clearly was a blessing to her family. My hope is that the rewards of doing so will be multifaceted; that the benefits would not be for me alone, but also for those who advertise and those who read {because I can justify more posting if it pays for itself, right?}.
If you have any interest in purchasing an ad space please contact me at darby613{at}gmail{dot}com.


**The pictures are completely and entirely unrelated to this post. But some of you asked about John Martin’s polka dot diapers: they’re Up & Up which is the Target brand.

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