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72 In Recipes



The World de Wally had a rollback last week on strawberries {$1.50/lb} so I went a little hog wild and bought a lot… maybe 8 pounds! And this is what we did with them…


Homemade fruit roll-ups.

If you were around last summer, you may remember we made blueberry and peach fruit roll-ups and the kids {and adults} devoured them. This is kinda like the same song, second verse. I’ve been waiting for fruit to come back in season and prices to drop so I could try other variations. Last week happened to be the week of the strawberry fruit roll-up… and needless to say, they’ve already been gobbled up.


The much abbreviated version goes something like: blend strawberries & applesauce in blender, add lemon juice and sugar, reduce in saucepan while stirring, spread on parchment-lined cookie sheet, bake for a LONG time on a low heat. If you’d like the unabridged version I made a PDF HERE with all the details for all three varieties {blueberry peach, peach, and strawberry}.

I think the most important step is to let it properly reduce to a thick applesauce consistency. You’ll know you’re there when you part the red sea and the red sea stays parted when you reach the other side.


I personally think the best time to make this is right before you go to bed, as long as you’re not afraid to leave your oven on while you sleep. Once it’s reduced, spread it evenly on a parchment-lined {or heat/microwave safe plastic wrap} cookie sheet and bake at a low 145°F for 8 to 10 hours {mine has always taken closer to 10 hours than 8}. When it’s all done you can roll it up, slice it and serve it with the peace of mind that it’s preservative & dye free!

*** Edited to add: If you oven only goes down to 170, that is ok! It will still take just as long. It can take up to 12 hours, if you touch it and it’s still squishy, it’s not done. If the top is sticky but the leather is firm you can blot the stickiness off with a paper towel!****




And if you have little rovers… they’ll gobble it up and there’s no doubt you’ll sneak it while they’re napping.



Strawberry Jam and lots of it.

This year I tried Marisa’s {from Food in Jars} Strawberry Jam recipe and it is wonderful in so many ways, especially spread on a piece of butter coated, Honey Oatmeal toast! If you have access to strawberries you should give it a try… it will not disappoint!




5 minute Mousse

1.5 cups of cold milk
1 {3.4 oz} package of Jello instant pudding {I like chocolate!}
1.5 to 2 cups of heavy whipping cream WHIPPED {or you can cheat and buy the tub of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils 🙂 but the real deal whipped heavy cream is better! }

This is one of those things that is so incredibly simple I slightly hesitated to even post it. But, regardless of how brainless it is, it is really good and really simple and if you are looking for simple and tasty {and have strawberries near by} I think you’ll love it. My sister first shared the recipe with me a few weeks ago when I made an angel food cake and didn’t know what to serve with it when she suggested, “Make some white chocolate mousse and add a dollop to each slice of cake and garnish with strawberries!” She went on to tell me that you just mix Jello instant pudding with whipped cream for a really quick {and good} mousse.

Variety is the spice of life… so your mousse can be a wide variety of flavors. These happen to the be the 3 that most appeal to me.


And good ole chocolate stood above the rest for this round.



Start by throwing about a cup and a half of heavy whipping cream into a freezing cold mixing bowl and set the mixer on high. While it’s whipping in the stand mixer… I added 1 and 1/2 cups {just under the 2 cups the package calls for} of COLD whole milk to my blender and 1 package {regular 3.9 oz package} of  chocolate {or your flavor preference} instant pudding! I blend until it’s well incorporated… by then the whipping cream should be nice and whipped {about 4 or 5 minutes}. If you have a little helper solicit them to scoop the whipped cream {leave a little in the bowl for garnish} into the pudding. It works best if you use throw-away tupperware and leave Cheez-It crumbs on the counter too! 🙂


If you have patience you can teach your 5 year-old how to “fold” the whipped cream into the pudding. If you don’t have patience, stop and pray for some, because you’ll no doubt need it if you have a 5 year-old helping you “fold”!


After lots of folding {which she did wonderfully} you should have a creamy, delicious, heavenly, not-too-sweet 5 minute chocolate mousse.


Put a lid on it and pop it in the fridge for a few minutes and then it’s ready! It’s great with strawberries and a dollop of whipped cream on top!  My kids didn’t even notice that the whipped cream wasn’t sweetened.


And last but not least…


We have been highly entertained with t-ball! If you’ve never watched a 5 and 6 year-old t-ball game you are MISSING OUT! It is quite possibly the most precious thing I’ve ever watched. My heart swells watching them and I can’t wipe the smile off my face the entire time I’m there. I think the coach and the ump are both reminding the kids to back up because this girl can really slam it! 🙂


67 In Faith/ Life/ Recipes

Our Week & My Redeemer


Good Saturday Morning to you! It’s been a crazy week around here; preschool Easter parties, Mom & DaddyBoy in town, swing set building, baking, cleaning, healing craters, and lots of playing! The weather has been wonderful… sunny & low 80s, perfect for all that we accomplished this week!


My MIL has a beautiful yard and she graciously watched JM so that I could attended Paige’s Easter party without him, when we got there he was so enamored with her flowers {who could blame him} I couldn’t help but snap a few pictures of his bed head leaning over for a little sniff sniff!


I also have been meaning to make these for weeks and weeks and finally got around to it yesterday! We had some friends over to play and I should have known little ones would want all the coconut scraped off! 🙂 They are devil’s food cupcakes,  butter cream frosting {Wilton’s recipe}, and toasted coconut! I trimmed the tops of the cupcakes off so the “birds” could sit down in them!


Our biggest feat of the week was building the 30,000 part swing set.  I learned that building a swing set was good for my sanctification. We managed to finish it in 2 days and only had 148 parts left over! And of course, the kids love it! They’ve been outside since it was done and besides one fat lip, no blood has been shed!


I was almost convinced that little man was too small to play on it … he proved me wrong in about 30 seconds when he climbed the rock wall and proceeded to go down the slide… all by himself.


Morgan loves the swings.


And Paiger loves the slide.


And little man loves the “double swing thing” because he can ride while a sister pumps. I kept asking him if he was ready to get off and he would quickly reply, “Nooooooooooo!”


All three absolutely love it and have already logged MANY many hours on it in the first week! And very soon I hope Rover will learn to not walk in front of the swings.


Every time he does it I think, “that will certainly be the last time he does that” as I scoop him up off the ground and brush him off.

In other news, I dropped my phone in the pool yesterday. It was in my pocket  when I leaned over the pool and then I watched it sink to the very bottom of the deep end. I fished it out, dried off, sat it in the warm sun and it’s  still a goner. Justin thinks it was a secret ploy to get an iPhone, I assured him it wasn’t… but an iPhone does sound good to me. But my goodness those little things are expensive anyone know if you can buy them used? 🙂

Also… I’m putting together the April sponsors POST… be sure to check back soon for details and specials they have to offer! I have a handful of fun new sponsors this month!

And last but not least… I hope and pray that each of you have a wonderful Easter weekend to reflect on the goodness, faithfulness, and love of the Savior. I am reminded of the power of his redeeming blood that was shed for a sinner such as I… which gives me so much to be thankful for and so much to celebrate!! Thank you, Lord Jesus!

If you have time to listen to these powerful words, I think they would be a blessing to you!

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

My Redeemer Lives {This video has been around for a while but what a powerful picture of the love of a father for his son; a father pushes his physically disabled son in marathons and triathlons. And as I watched it I reminded myself that Jesus does all of this for us… he carries us when we can’t walk and the reality is he went beyond carrying us by dying for us!}

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!

83 In Life/ Recipes

Update, Holy Week & a Recycle


{warning… really long post!}

Hello, Doctors! I used to call y’all stalkers, then I called you rovers, and now I think I’m going to call you DOCTORS because you are a wealth of knowledge and beneficial to my health and well being! Thanks for your help with my craters. I don’t have any stitches and I believe this is because my teeth were all in and had been in for 7+ years. So they were yanked out and there was nothing to sew shut. I’m still feeling good. A little tender but NO dry sockets and it was so much easier than I thought it would be. My only real pains are HUNGER pains.  🙂 Which is why I see fit to talk about food today.

Every Monday night we host our small group which affords me the opportunity to try new desserts weekly. I’ve been meaning to tell y’all for months now that I was the proud recipient of a fabulous Christmas present {thank you & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!, Mimi} a PERFECT BROWNIE PAN. You may have seen the infomercials? Well, let me tell you, it’s just as revolutionary as they say it is. It makes PERFECT brownies and it makes PERFECT rice crispies and it makes PERFECT bars.  I don’t want to sound like an infomercial but I do feel obligated to let y’all know it’s as wonderful as they make it sound. If you’ve ever cut bars of any kind, you know it’s the same ordeal… they crumble, they stick to the knife… over and over. Well this thing is magic. Yesterday I made PW’s Creamy Lemon Crumb Squares that she posted last week and used my perfect pan and let me tell you, it’s the perfect combination for crumb squares that don’t crumble into 1,938 pieces… and after making these I don’t think I’ll ever make lemon bars again!




Ok, now for the even better stuff… my parents are here! We are so thrilled to have them. We usually only get to host them at our house a couple times a year. Of course, we decided to take on a MAJOR project… have you ever had the pleasure of assembling a swing set? This one came in two boxes and has approximately 30,000 parts, nuts, & bolts. And could drive a person to drink. We called it a day after working for 6 hours and only made it about 1/2 way. But I know when it’s done it will be worth the sweat equity.


And… I’ve saved the best for last… Happy HOLY WEEK. As you may or may not know, this is Holy Week, which gives us great reason to celebrate and reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The week was kicked off when the children graced us with their presence at church waving palm branches.


Look Laura, there are your parents.

And in light of it being Holy Week I am reposting a post from last Spring, I know a lot of you have already seen this… but for the readers who weren’t around last year this time, this wonderful recipe/project you can do with your children to teach them more about the events that unfolded long ago. We did it last year and hope to do it again before the week’s end. The girls loved it last year and it was a powerful way to bring the death & resurrection to life. I have turned the entire recipe/project into a PDF so you can easily print it off. Click HERE for the printable version. All the scriptures are included on the document so you don’t even have to have a Bible.

Easter Story Cookies::

You’ll need: Bible, 1 c pecans, 1 tsp. vinegar, 3 egg whites, pinch of salt, 1 c granulated sugar, 1 qt. or gal. size zipper bag, wooden spoon, tape


Before we started we preheated the oven to 300 and lined a cookie sheet with parchment paper {although the recipe called for wax}.

First, have your helpers crush, smash, and beat the pecans and while they do it share with them that this is what the Roman soldiers did to Jesus’ body. Read John 19:1-3.


Morgan has heard the story before but last night she seemed shocked that this is what happened to Jesus.


Before you add the vinegar to the mixing bowl let the children smell the vinegar. Explain to them that this is what Jesus was offered to drink. Read Read John 19:28-30.


To the vinegar, add egg whites. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life.
Read John 10:10-11.
Sprinkle a little salt into each childs hand and let them taste it. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sins. Read Luke 23:27. Morgan wasn’t fond of the salt.


Next, the story turns sweet. Add 1 cup of sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him.
Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.


Add the sugar.


The sugar was so good… they didn’t want to let it go.


Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 & John 3:1-3.



Fold in the broken nuts. Drop mixture by spoonfuls onto waxed paper {I used parchment}. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60.






Place the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66.


GO TO BED. Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20.
The next morning…
open the oven and remove the cookies. Notice – the cookies are hollow! On the first Easter Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9.


Try it! Your kids/grandkids, nieces, nephews, husbands, friends will all love it!

Happy Holy Week!