Yearly Archives


55 In Articles

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Before I start my post would you please be in prayer for the local families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Not far from here a gunman went on a rampage killing at least 8 maybe 10 people this afternoon.


I’ve been waiting for this wonderful woman to come see me for about 8 months. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. She’s been here for over a week now and the time I have had with her has been so very precious. She loves these little children like they are her own. And already the thought of her leaving brings a lump to my throat. I want to make her stay forever. She and Sister are my best friends. I really, really, really wish that she wasn’t so very far away. These little people change every day and it seems like 2 or 3 visits a year are far too few for a grandmother to be see her precious grandchildren. I am so grateful for this time we have had together. She is so patient with me and the children and always willing to help when and where she is needed without ever being asked. She has done all the laundry for 2 weeks. I haven’t done any! Seriously. What a treat!

She also validates me. Do you know what I mean? Little comments here and there like, “I don’t know how you do this?” or “This is really hard work.” or “Wow, I don’t know how you ever get anything accomplished!” It encourages me to see that she recognizes this stage of motherhood is physically and emotionally taxing. If you’re a father or a grandmother I challenge you to say these things to your wife or daughter! It will fill her up, give her your approval, and make her feel validated!

Since we’ve missed a few holidays since our last visit she brought Christmas & Valentine’s presents with her. She knows us so well…

For young John Martin, 2 vintage poster prints for above his crib (& just a few baby toys). She bought these when she was pregnant with Sister and me. She didn’t know if we’d be boys or girls so she bought 4 of these rabbit posters and thankfully never sold them in a yard sale. How cute are they?


For me, vintage nesting bowls. These made me so very happy. They are in excellent condition.


For the girls, an old children’s table (that she had refurbished) and chairs. She also brought sheet sets that used to be mine. I’ve been wanting a table for the girls for a couple years now. I’ve looked at Pottery Barn ones over and over and choked at the price and lack of character. We’ve had a couple (that went at the yard sale) that were entirely too small for both girls to sit at, much less 3 kids. Now, I’m so thrilled that I didn’t spend $500 on a Pottery Barn table and 4 chairs… because this is so much better!! Mimi (DaddyBoy’s mom) sent vintage Golden books, markers, and paint brushes…. she too knows us well and we wish she was here with us!


We got it all “dolled” up for them while they were napping.



Speaking of waiting, I took a break from yard sale prep last week and planted seeds for our garden. Some have sprouted, others are close…





I also have been waiting to do a little sewing project. Anything really. I was starting to have withdrawls. I know that’s sick, isn’t it? Have y’all seen the new book “Sew Darn Cute“? Oh my, it’s chocked full of good ideas. Here’s one I executed today…


1 tank top from Ross for $3.99 +some fabric scraps + a few wooden beads I stole from my children = one cute little tank for a Momma! It was fun and now the girls have asked for one too. I’m not sure if I like the beads, do y’all? I’m contemplating taking them off.

Speaking of waiting…

Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. Romans 8:24-27

Good night!

46 In Articles

S e v e n


Seven years ago today I married my best friend. It was a wonderful celebration and I’d like to do it all over again; maybe we will someday. (The only thing I would change would be the bridesmaid’s dresses.) In the past 7 years we’ve lived in 6 different houses and have added 3 little children to mix. It has been a wild ride, one I’d take again if asked. I’m so grateful to be married to wonderful man of God, who loves me and our children deeply. Thank you, Justin, for being a wonderful, Godly husband to me! I love you with every ounce of my being.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
I Corinthians 13:4-8 & 13
49 In Articles

Yard Sale Hysteria

Oh my goodness, all I can say is that it was a tremendous success. I have no idea how many people came through… at least several hundred. Cars were parked as far as I could see in every direction. I’ll start in chronologial order…

Friday afternoon Erika, Chance, & Marla rolled into town with a trailer loaded so full I thought for sure Jed & Granny Clampett were on board. We managed to transfer as much “stuff” from the trailer into the already-packed garage as we possibly could, burning the midnight oil.



You name it… we had it.


See the lamps up there? I primed and painted them late Friday and prayed they would dry by morning. I’m telling you, paint can work wonders people… wonders! Look:


Saturday morning people started to show around 6:15. There was a dense fog and a lot of people. There were some serious yard salers out there, uncovering clothing racks and asking how many more minutes until the garage doors would open. All I could think was ‘how are we logistically going to do this?’… remember, there were 6 participating families and A LOT OF STUFF. We are already strategically planning better for next year.


We set up in every direction. We had tables in the garage, in the driveway, down the sidewalk and well into the front yard. It was a progressive yard sale, which made things a little more complicated, and easier for those thieves to get by without paying. We had at least 1 spotted thief and who knows how many more. And to make matters worse… the man came back for more later in the day. Marla and I set our hawk-eyes on him and he didn’t stick around long, we stared him right out of there. No words were exchanged but we were tempted to ask him if he was back to pay for the lamps, shower curtains, and jewelry that he left with earlier. Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures of him.

Ok, so there were a lot of people and it was a little chaotic at times.



A lot of the big stuff went pretty fast. After the thief left we called in “hired security” to watch over other electronics {and hospital dishpans}.


Just kidding. But we should have. Speaking of electronics… Marla and I were in charge of collecting money and somehow we got placed next to a large table of printers and a “mixer” none of which belonged to either of us. We were asked a lot of questions that we couldn’t answer about any of them. Here’s Marla and one man checking out the “mixer”.


The only “mixer” I am familiar with is used in the kitchen. People would ask, “how much for the mixer, does it work?” I’d look around dumbfounded thinking, “I don’t see a mixer!” Fortunately we didn’t sell it for $5. Come to find out it was worth a lot and went for $50. It was Justin’s brother’s and he was a big “discounter”. He & Dona had a whole trailer full of stuff that wasn’t marked that went really fast due to very deep discounts!

Marla and I handled check-out. Chance was our money-runner. He’d come by for gobs of cash, run it inside and deposit in a basket on top of the frige. Marla made me wait until the very end to count any of it. But occassionally she would offer glimmers of hope and say, “I think you’ve already got your camera!”

These girls are champion blog readers. They came the longest distance and didn’t leave empty handed.


Elizabeth {middle} & Vanessa {right} and I’m a sleep-deprived, mother-of-three, who just had a yard sale and I can’t remember the other girl’s name…? Y’all help me! The hairy man in the background is available Tommy, he wasn’t just here for free coffee… although I see he found it. He is safe and we allow him around our children. He’s growing out the beard and hair to play Jesus in the Easter pageant. Somehow he didn’t know we were having a yard sale and came by for some “fellowship”. To say the least, he was a little astonished when he got here, probably because he had to park 1/2 a mile away. He even bought Marla’s husband’s shoes while he was here.


Paiger found something she wanted to buy.


If there was an “employee of the yard sale” award to be given, Erika would be the recipient. She treated every person who came by her “table” like they were a client. This woman {and several others} left and came back for more later in the day. She helped them all with yardages, design advice and more.


The dogs kept guard and Eufaby {on the right} would go bonkers if anyone got too close to the gate. Like I’ve said before, she looks friendly, but she’s not. The chocolate lab is “Bird Brown”.


There was one very friendly canine patron, Sydney Ann… a “goldendoodle”. She was a cutie.


At the end of the day we were all plum {or is it plumb} tuckered out. Here we are {me w/JM, mom, Erika} wondering if someone is going to come over to rub our feet… no one did.


Since the weather was so nice we sat in the driveway ALL afternoon. It was a great day. We made lots of good sales, all got a good sunburn, and we all walked away with a big wad of cash. I’ll get my camera, Erika will get her nursery, Dona will get her sod, and Marla will get her groceries! 🙂


I was shocked that the black wicker chairs didn’t sell! There were several people who wanted to just buy one or two but I couldn’t let a matching set of 4 be broken up. I may just have to keep them for myself.

A huge thank you to those of you who came! It really was so much fun. A lot of work, but a lot of fun. I’m so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. Hornet had a fever last night so on top of a long day we had a very long night.

I may just leave all that stuff in my garage… it’s already all priced for the next sale! I’m sure my neighbors would just be delighted!

Hope y’all had great weekends!