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32 In Articles

From the archives & elsewhere…

I hope this finds you enjoying your weekend. We sure are enjoying ours. I’ve been digging deep into the archives of my computer… which really isn’t that far at all but I came across these. Ok, so they’re not exactly archives, but they are from our time at the farm.





Please have a chocolate dipped ice cream bar this weekend and I certainly hope you’ll enjoy yours as much as he enjoyed his.

I’ve mentioned before that we accomplished a major feat earlier this year: we overcame THUMB SUCKING. As I went through the archives of my computer I couldn’t believe how much Morgan’s teeth have moved in 4 very short months without the help of orthodontics. I mean this is as good if not better than any of my house “before and afters”.






Be encouraged if you have a thumb sucker, there is hope!! We put bandaids on her thumbs {both} for 30+ days and did a lot of praying. The first week was hard, I won’t lie. But after that it was much easier. We made a calendar and she got a sticker everyday and a BIG PRIZE at the end… which was a swingset, which we’re hoping to get soon! Now, I just need to get up the nerve to get rid of Raiger’s pacis.

The very easy recipe for the popsicle {pictured with Morgan above} is featured on Wiregrass Christian Family this month. I will be contributing different recipes and craft ideas over there and I’ll be sure to point you in that direction when the site is updated. We had the pleasure to meet with and get to know the editor, Laurel Griffith, a few months ago. Look around their site… you might just see some people you know! 🙂

In Articles

and now a word from our…

… sponsors.


It is with some reluctance and a snippet of excitement that I write to all of you and offer my blog as a place for others to promote their businesses. I’ve been stewing over the idea for over a year and have finally decided to bite the bullet. I spent some time this morning in Proverbs 31 and was encouraged that the wife of noble character “saw her trading as profitable” and clearly was a blessing to her family. My hope is that the rewards of doing so will be multifaceted; that the benefits would not be for me alone, but also for those who advertise and those who read {because I can justify more posting if it pays for itself, right?}.
If you have any interest in purchasing an ad space please contact me at darby613{at}gmail{dot}com.


**The pictures are completely and entirely unrelated to this post. But some of you asked about John Martin’s polka dot diapers: they’re Up & Up which is the Target brand.

43 In Articles

Apples & Oranges

Mom sent me an email and was terribly disappointed she only got to see Rover’s fingers and toes in the last post. Here are some sweet cheeks for her and you.


When he goes outside in the humidity his hair gets a little crazy.


I like to think he’s sprouting his wings… being the sweet angel he is.


I know, I know, he’s Rover one minute and angel the next.


Regardless of his disposition, I love the little man just the same.


And guess what other squirrels I love too {besides the one holding him}? The swimming squirrels.




These pictures were taken with my 50 mm 1:1.8 lens. While Marla is still stewing over her answers I will answer a few that were aimed towards me. One being, “which lens do you prefer, your wide angle or your 50 mm?” This is a hard question for me to answer because comparing the two lenses is like comparing apples & oranges. They both are wonderful for capturing different things and I find myself often switching between the two. For example, the wide angle is great at capturing wide shots. Imagine that! Both of these were taken with the wide angle.



In the girl’s room, I was standing ON their beds. In his room I was just a few feet from his crib. It really is amazing how much more you can capture with it. The 50 mm is really a very reasonable lens so if you’re budget conscious I’d suggest you start with it… but then save up for the wide angle because it really is a fabulous lens too. And just like my children, these lenses have different talents, strengths and weaknesses.

I also had the “what software do you use” question pop up a few times. The answer is: I’m still saving up for Photoshop. I currently edit and crop {but rarely crop} my pictures using the Canon software that came in the box with my camera. It is user friendly and so far I’ve been quite pleased with what it has to offer.

I’ve got more photography thougts on my brain but I think I will incorporate more of my thoughts/advice with Marla’s.

In non-photo news, I’ve been cleaning up barf today. Morgan’s under the weather and a terrible shot. I’ll spare you any details. But really it hasn’t been that bad… I think I hate the idea of vomit or perhaps I fear vomit more than I really hate vomit itself. Well, it is pretty nasty, come to think of it, and I did almost vomit myself while cleaning it. So, yes, vomit stinks, and I’ve cleaned up lots of it. Just be so grateful I didn’t take any pictures!

Last but not least, the book from yesterday was published in 1967! Glad to hear of so many Golden Books and Baby Dear fans out there… I knew we had a lot in common.